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The Lower Dauphin Alumni Association 

In a volunteer organization it is often difficult to accomplish all of the goals members set for themselves. However, the Lower Dauphin Alumni Association has an impressive track record of areas of interest and responsibility and with plans for future events.

Connecting, Involving, Supporting Alumni
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We support this LDAA Website providing information for LDHS Grads regarding their Alma Mater. Our most recent presentation is a set of reviews of the first 60 Falconaires. Planned is a published collection of these reviews along with more about each class. If you have pictures and your own memories (particularly needed is input from the classes from the 21st Century) and/or would like additional information about this project and others of the Alumni Association, please contact us.

Distinguished Alumni/Alumnus Award

Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna/Alumni Award

The following individuals have been selected and honored as Distinguished Alumni/Alumnus in one or more of the following areas; arts, athletics, scholarship, leadership, community service, and commitment to Lower Dauphin.  Please click on the link beside the name to read their biographies. The nominees are listed in order from most recent to first recipient. 

Meet The Honorees
Click Image Below to Enlarge
Reunions and Homecoming Information

This page will serve as a clearinghouse for information about upcoming Lower Dauphin High School class reunions and class information. If you are interested in having your class information listed please contact Kathy Weber via email at

Save The Date class gathering.jpg

If you would like to assist with planning, volunteer, or make a cash donation to Alumni events and or our scholarship fund please contact Kathy Weber, by email Donations may be mailed to LDAA, PO BOX 255, Hummelstown, PA  17036. 

LD Alumni CHEERLEADERS and BAND are always seeking new members  to join us for the evening. LD Alumni Cheerleaders should check the information by joining Facebook, "LD Alumni Cheerleaders." Band members should contact for more information.

Lower Dauphin Reunion information as reported by classes. Please contact Kathy Weber, if you are a contact and have updated information.

LD Homecoming Dance
1980 Homecoming Queen
LDAA Scholarship/Falcon Alumni Trust
LDAA Scholarship
Falcon Alumni Trust

One of the major goals of the Lower Dauphin Alumni Association is to acknowledge student achievement in scholarship, athletics, and the arts.  In 1990 the Board of Directors voted to establish a Trust whereby funds would be set aside and invested for the purpose of funding scholarships.  The interest from that Trust, together with funds raised on a year-to-year basis,  have been used to award an annual scholarship to a graduating senior who is continuing his or   her education at the post-secondary level.  Listed below are our Alumni winners from 1990 to present.

LDAA has also served as overseer of additional scholarships, managed with the help of our Board: Arlene Huss

Class of 1965

The Distinguished Alumni Award (not awarded since 2016)

Dr. Judith T. Witmer 

Fox Family

Falcon Alumni Trust Scholarship

A successful fundraising campaign initially endowed the Falcon Trust.  To augment these funds, the Alumni Association sponsors Tom's Veggie Stand during the Hummelstown Arts & Crafts Fair held in September. Proceeds from this venue are deposited into the Falcon Trust.


In addition, gifts in honor or memory of Lower Dauphin faculty, alumni, and friends have been accepted for this scholarship fund. To further increase this endowment we request your assistance. If interested, you are invited to make tax-deductible contributions to the LDAA Scholarship Fund by making checks payable to the Falcon Alumni Trust, PO Box 255, Hummelstown, PA 17036.

2004 - Joshua Young

2005 - Erica Bates

2006 - Amy Brandt

2007 - Andrea Leshak

2008 - Suzanne Cake

2009 - Clayton Cooper

2010 - Chase Harmon

2011 - Charles Davis

2012 - Amanda Ringenbach

2013 - Kara Kaylor

2014 - David Wuestner

2015 - Katryn Durenleau

2016 - Anjali Singh 

2017 - Peter Gingrich

2018 - Owen Coonelly

2019 - Brendon Little 

2020 - Samantha Bonawitz  

2021 - Luke Wren

2022 - Connor Grubb

2023 - Abigail Nissley

1990 – Andrew Espenshade    

2004 - Joshua Young

2005 - Erica Bates

2006 - Amy Brandt

2007 - Andrea Leshak

2008 - Suzanne Cake

2009 - Clayton Cooper

2010 - Chase Harmon

1991 – Christine Cassel

1992 – Stephanie Teets

1993 – Renée Hoffman

1994 – Megan Espenshade

1995 – Jeremy Sharpe

1996 – Jodi O’Donnell

1997 – Kristen Potter

1998 – Abigail Martin

1999 – Joshua Good

2000 – Margaret Aichele

2001 – Jennifer Johnson

2002 – Abby Snyder

2003 – Megan Haas

2023 Senior Awards Night winners

Hiring Miss Hummelstown

It's Official!

The Hummelstown Community Foundation is proud to announce that Cassidy Faith ODonnell was crowned Miss Hummelstown 2024.

Ten contestants participated in the 49th annual Miss Hummelstown Pageant held Sunday, October 22, 2023. Each contestant was sponsored by a community non-profit organization.

Queen Cassidy represented the FFO, Inc. Contestants were required to present a biographical list of their interests and community service.


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Miss Hummelstown 2024

Cassidy ODonnell

Miss Hummelstown
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